The purpose of this study is to determine how the effect of mudharabah, musyarakah and ijarah financing partially and simultaneously on the probability indicated by Return On Asset at Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia. Financing based on mudharabah, musyarakah and ijarah contracts is the independent variable while Return On Asset is the dependent variable. The data used in this study is secondary data obtained from Islamic banking statistics available on the Financial Services Authority website. The analysis technique used in this research is using multiple regression techniques to identify the relationship between these variables. The results stated that partially mudharabah financing has a negative and insignificant effect on Return on Assets, musyarakah financing has a positive effect on Return on Assets, and ijarah financing has a negative effect on Return on Assets. Meanwhile, mudharabah financing, musyarakah financing and ijarah financing simultaneously have a significant effect on Return On Assets. While the contribution of the effect of mudharabah, musyarakah and ijarah financing on Return On Assets simultaneously affecting the financial performance of banks is 62.7% and the remaining 37.3% is influenced by other variables outside this stud.

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