The aim of this research is to test hypotheses and produce evidence regarding the influence of Mudharabah, Musyarakah and Murabahah contract financing on profitability with Non-Performing financing (NPF) as a Moderation Variable in Sharia Rural Banks (BPRS) in 2021-2023. This research uses secondary data, namely BPRS financial reports published at the Financial Services Authority (OJK) which determines the effect of Mudharabah, Musyarakah and Murabahah contract financing on profitability with Non-Performing financing (NPF) as a Moderation Variable in Sharia Rural Banks (BPRS) in 2021-2023. The sampling used in this research was the purposive sampling method. The number of BPRS sampled in this study was 29 banks. The analytical method used to test the hypothesis is Eviews 12. The results of this research show that Mudharabah Financing has a negative and insignificant effect on Profitability, but Musyarakah and Murabahah Financing has a positive and significant effect on Profitability.

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