Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): 2st International Collaboration Conference on Islamic Economics
2st International Collaboration Conference on Islamic Economics

All articles in this issue include authors from 4 countries of origin (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand)


Egatri Egatri, Achmad Achmad, Nurul Bariyah (Author)
The Impact of Financing Risks Based on the Form of Agreement on the Profitability of Islamic Commercial Banking in Indonesia
Sri Wahyuni, Nur Fadilahi, Nur Rahma (Author)
Analysis of the Application of Green Economy in Smelter Development in Review of Maqosid Sharia
Yan Putra Timur, Nurwinsyah Rohmaningtyas, Ahmad Ajib Ridlwan, Moch Khoirul Anwar, Anang Kistiyanto, Sarah Wanlabeh (Author)
Awakening The Islamic Entrepreneurial Spirit Among Generation Z in Thailand
Chahayu Astina, Iskandar Iskandar, Dian Fahreza (Author)
Donor Protection in Online Donations: The Urgency of Tracking Platforms on the Truth of Donation Distribution
Clarashinta Canggih, Fira Nurafini, Maryam bte Badrul Munir, Rachma Indrarini, Ach. Yasin, Wan Nourul Akmal AB Aziz (Author)
Enhancing Islamic Financial Literacy Among Highschoolers in Malaysia
Khusnul Fikriyah , Asiah Ali, Noordayana Zulkifli, Dewie Tri Wijayati Wardoyo, Ramdani, Moch Khoirul Anwar, Sri Abidah Suryaningsih, Moh Farih Fahmi, Maryam bte Badrul Munir, Fitria Dwi Susilowati, Umi Hamidaton Mohd Soffian Lee (Author)
Empowering the Young Generation in the Fashion Industry: Enhancing Islamic Marketing Capabilities Through Entrepreneurship 4.0 and Creative Communication Training at Komuniti, Rembau, Malaysia
Ega Rusanti, Sri Herianingrum, Siti Zulaikha, Annisa Sasri Anindya, Nikmatul Atiya (Author)
Instrument of Islamic Fiscal Policy to Reduce Government Budget Deficit: Business Cycle Simulation Approach
Dimas Surya, Arham Wahyudi, Tasya Fadilah, Imsar Imsar, Nurul Aulia Dewi (Author)
Analysis of Cointegration and Causality between Sharia Interbank Money Market (PUAS), Bank Indonesia Sharia Deposit Facility (FASBIS) and Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificate (SBIS) to Indonesia's Economic Growth
Lukman Hanif Arbi (Author)
Sustainable Islamic Social Finance and Consumer Preferences
Ade Arin Capriansyah Putri, Metasari Kartika, Yarlina Yacoub (Author)
The Influence of Sharia Financial Inclusion and Unemployment Rate on Income Inequality in Indonesia
M. Yusuf K., Husnul Khatimah, A. Muh. Washiyyatun Hidayat (Author)
Potential for Halal Tourism Development in Supporting National Halal Ecosystem
Muhammad Albahi, Herlinda Herlinda, Ilyas Husti, Nanda Suryadi, Norman Gisatriadi (Author)
The Effect of Mudharabah, Musyarakah, Murabahah Agreement Financing on Profitability its Non-Performing Financing (NPF) as a Moderation Variable
Syarifuddin Syarifuddin, Septy Herviani, Ade Darmawan (Author)
Socialization of Halal Labels on the Decision to Purchase Cosmetic Skincare Products for Women in Indonesia
Jumardi Jumardi, Salam Salam, Hardiyanti Ridwan, Srianti Permata, Ernawati Ernawati (Author)
Analysis of the Strategic Role of Millennial Generation Women in the Digital Economy Era on MSMEs in The Sinjai Regency
Heri Irawan , A. Rio Makkulau, Sindy Wulandari, Nurul Fatimah (Author)
Digital Promotion Strategy for MSMEs and The Halal Industry in Sinjai District Post-Pandemic
Desy Arum Sunarta, Nurfadilah Maulana (Author)
Implementation of Halal Value Chain in MSMEs as an Effort to Develop Islamic Economy
Ahmad Makhtum, Taufiqur Rahman, Dahruji Dahruji, Moh. Ersya Faraby (Author)
Improving MSMEs Standards Through Digitization of Halal Obligation Policies and Licensing Legality in Madura Island
Risanda Alirastra Budiantoro, Prabowo Yudo Jayanto, Ahmad Syahrul Fauzi, Arif Agus Haidar (Author)
The Influence of Human Development Index (HDI), Unemployment, and Zakat on Underprivileged Conditions in Indonesia, with Economic Growth as a Moderating Variable, 2018-2023
Rais Abdullah, Isna Yuningsih, Rabiatul Adawiyah, Abiyajid Bustomi (Author)
Economic Empowerment Model for Islamic Boarding Schools: Study at As-Syifa Islamic Boarding School Balikpapan
Lusiana Ulfa Hardinawati, Chika Devina Fitria Kusuma Dewi, Karina Elsa Nabila (Author)
Determinants of Gen Z Muslim Consumer Purchase Decisions for Halal Products at Tokopedia
Achmad Achmad, Ahmad Fauzi, Bapaqih Alzikri (Author)
Analysis of Grover and Springate Models in Predicting Financial Distress in Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Zainal Irfan, Ade Fadillah FW Pospos, Zikriatul Ulya (Author)
The Influence of Perceived Usefulness, Price, Trust, and Risk on Loyalty in the Tiktok Shop: Test of Consumer Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable
Himyar Pasrizal, Beni Safitri (Author)
The Influence of Trust, Security Perceptions and Operational Risks on Interest in Using Pospay E-payments: Case Study of Pospay Users at the Padang Panjang Indonesian Post Office
Pocut Ainiah (Author)
The Effect of Human Development Index (HDI) and Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) On Poverty in Aceh Province in 2019-2021: Panel Data Analysis
Hendi Suhendi, Indar Fauziah Ulfah (Author)
Hikmatul Quran Islamic Boarding School from the Maqashid Syariah Perspective
Yuliana Yuliana, A. Syathir Sofyan, Ayu Ruqayyah Yunus (Author)
The Effect of Trust, Risks, and Convenience on use of E-Wallets on Shopeepay or Sharia LinkAja in Makassar City
Umi Cholifah, Moh. Adenan, Fajar Wahyu Prianto, N. Ari Subagio, Deasy Wulandari, Susanti Prasetiyaningtiyas, Ririn Irmadariyani (Author)
The Urgency of Halal Certification Compliance in Slaughterhouses and Poultry Slaughterhouse in Jember Regency
Dita Safitri, Muhammad Nasri Katman, A. Syathir Sofyan (Author)
Determinants of Debt Behavior With Siri' Culture as a Moderating Variable in the Community of North Belopa District, Luwu Regency
Fina Annisa, Isna Yuningsih (Author)
The Influence of Macroeconomic Variables on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) Period 2019 -2023
Nurdin Batjo, Muzayyanah Jabani, Edi Indra Setiawan, Muh Ilman Mas’ud (Author)
Impact of Religiosity and Eid al-Fitr Holiday Allowance on Employee Performance with Welfare as a Mediation Variable
Mojang Zulfa Amadea, Aas Nurasyiah, Ripan Hermawan Sastra (Author)
Determinants of Muzakki Decisions in Urban and Rural Areas in Choosing Zakat Payment Through Formal Institutions: A Multigroup Analysis Model Approach
Yunita Arief, Rusnawati Rusnawati, Eka Indriyani MS (Author)
Consumptive Behavior of Generation Z in Makassar: The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Family Income
Salsabila Husnul Fatimah, Aas Nurasyiah, Rida Rosida (Author)
Performance of Women's Micro Businesses in Islamic Perspective: A Social Learning Theory Approach (Survey on Female Micro Business Actors in The City of Bandung)
Riza Amalia, Metasari Kartika (Author)
Zakat, Growth & SMEs: Decoding Poverty Across Aceh's Districts
Irwana Irwana, Rika Dwi Ayu Parmitasari, Rusnawati Rusnawati (Author)
The Influence of Cost Leadership Strategy and Dynamic Capabilities on the Financial Performance of SMEs with Competitive Advantage as a Mediating Variable in Gowa Regency
Jarianti Ali, Rika Dwi Ayu, Eka Indriyani MS (Author)
The Effect of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) on Firm Value with Environmental Performance as a Moderation on Manufacturing Industry Companies
Rosa Amaliah, Sri Wahyuni (Author)
Analysis of The Empowerment Program for Etos ID Dompet Dhuafa’s Scholarship Recipients at Mulawarman University
Amalia Nuril Hidayati, Agus Suman, Iswan Noor, Nurul Badriyah (Author)
The Role of Halal Labeling in Improving the Halal Food Industry in Bali
Besse Faradiba, Umaima Umaima, Dhela Isnin Chaidir (Author)
Analysis of the Efficiency of Use and Risk of Interest in Sharia Digital Transactions Gen Z in Parepare City
Abdul Mongid, Moch Khoirul Anwar, Susanti, Anang Kistiyanto, Badrus Sholeh (Author)
Financial Literacy Education For Migrant Worker in Saudi Arabia
Rachma Indrarini (Author)
Financial Management for Muslim Youth in Thailand