Potential for Halal Tourism Development in Supporting National Halal Ecosystem


Halal Toursim
Halal Ecosystem

How to Cite

Potential for Halal Tourism Development in Supporting National Halal Ecosystem. (2024). International Collaboration Conference on Islamic Economics, 2(1). https://conference.apseii.id/index.php/ICCEIS/article/view/72


he halal ecosystem includes services and products that support the adoption of a halal lifestyle by the community, including Sharia-compliant tourism. As a large country, Indonesia has diverse potential for halal tourism that can be developed to support the national halal ecosystem. This article aims to conduct a comprehensive study of Indonesia's potential in realizing a fully functioning halal ecosystem. The research method used in writing this article is library research with a qualitative research approach. This method is employed by reviewing available references from reputable journals related to the discussed topic, then analyzing and developing them to draw conclusions. Based on the study conducted, important descriptions were obtained regarding the potential development of halal tourism in Indonesia, which include the large Muslim population worldwide and in Indonesia, the potential of natural and cultural resources, government support and regulations, as well as numerous achievements and international recognition of Indonesia's halal tourism.

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