When Muslim consumers shop at Tokopedia, consumers tend to need or look for halal products. Halal products are products that have been declared halal in accordance with Islamic law. Even though the halal product market is growing, not all Muslim consumers choose halal products. Some consumers may choose non-halal products due to factors such as easier product availability and cheaper prices. Because of this important factor, business people are now trying to increase public awareness of the halalness of products/services which will influence consumer behavior in the decision-making process. This research focuses on Generation Z to explore the influence of halal awareness, halal lifestyle, Islamic branding, religiosity and payment methods on Muslim consumers' purchasing decisions on Tokopedia. The research method used is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling. The populations in this research is the people of Jember Regency who meet two criteria, namely muslim consumers who belong to the Z Generation and have purchased halal products on Tokopedia. The sample in this research consisting of 100 Z Generations respondents. The questionnaires in this research were distributed hybridly, offline and online. The research results show that all the variables studied have a significant influence on purchasing decisions among Generation Z. Halal awareness is proven to increase consumer interest in choosing halal products, while halal lifestyle encourages consumers to be more critical in the purchasing process. Islamic branding functions as an interest-attracting factor that increases consumer confidence and religiosity shows consumer commitment to following Islamic principles in terms of consumption. In addition, effective payment methods contribute to the ease and convenience of transactions. Although several studies show different results, this research confirms that understanding product halalness is increasingly important for Muslim consumers in the digital era, especially in the context of e-commerce. This research provides insight for business people to increase awareness and education about halal products in order to improve consumer purchasing decisions.

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