Hikmatul Quran Islamic Boarding School from the Maqashid Syariah Perspective


Maqashid Syariah
Islamic Boarding School
Economic Independence Program

How to Cite

Hikmatul Quran Islamic Boarding School from the Maqashid Syariah Perspective. (2024). International Collaboration Conference on Islamic Economics, 2(1). https://conference.apseii.id/index.php/ICCEIS/article/view/102


Islamic Boarding School is an Islamic educational institution that has a dormitory or pondok system, where the central figure is a kyai. Activities in Islamic boarding schools are very centered on the mosque, which is the main place for various religious activities. Islamic religious teaching is carried out under the guidance of the kyai, and students follow this activity as their main focus. In order to run its operations, many Islamic Boarding Schools have now developed Islamic boarding school economic independence programs. Hikmatul Quran Islamic Boarding School has several economic independence programs including business programs in the fields of agriculture, printing, student cooperatives, gallon water refill businesses (RO), and human resource development through student college programs. This study aims to analyze whether the economic independence program of Hikmatul Quran Islamic Boarding School is in accordance with the maqashid sharia or not. This study uses a qualitative method using interview techniques as a way to collect data, direct observation and related journal articles that have been published previously. Based on the maqashid sharia, the economic program of the Hikmatul Quran Islamic Boarding School is in line with the values ​​of hifzhu nafs (protecting the soul), hifzhu maal (protecting wealth), hifzhu diin (protecting religion) and hifzhu Aql (protecting reason). These economic programs are very prospective in today's modern era which is very full of economic competition.

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