This article aims to look at the application of the green economy applied to the smelter development in Southeast Sulawesi and then analyze it using the concept of Maqosid sharia. This research describes how green economy standards are used to guarantee offspring and property from the maqashid sharia point of view. A kind of subjective investigation of library investigation work and writing strategy through library investigation. The results of this investigation show that the green economy is in line with the objectives, standards that exist in the Islamic Economic system which emphasizes the improvement of the quality of life of humans and nature and the balance embodied in a sustainable economic system, In Islam, we have sought two forms of defense, namely hifzal-nasl and hifzal-mal, including in the development of the manufacturing industry in which activities must secure the environment, as an extreme goal in all human activities as stated in maqashid sharia. Indonesia must have clear and firm rules regarding the concept of a sustainable economy, limiting new smelter licenses in industrial areas and reorganizing all standards related to waste management, controlling exhaust emissions, and work safety.

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