Analysis of The Empowerment Program for Etos ID Dompet Dhuafa’s Scholarship Recipients at Mulawarman University


Islamic Philanthropy
Empowerment Program

How to Cite

Analysis of The Empowerment Program for Etos ID Dompet Dhuafa’s Scholarship Recipients at Mulawarman University. (2024). International Collaboration Conference on Islamic Economics, 2(1).


This research aims to find out the implementation of the Etos ID Dompet Dhuafa’s scholarship recipient empowerment program at Mulawarman University. This research uses a qualitative approach, collecting data using interviews, documentation and observation methods. Was analysed using data analysis techniques a theory by Miles and Huberman. The data validity techniques of this research using source triangulation. The results showed that Etos ID runs the program by implementing seven stages of empowerment principles, consist of preparation, assessment, alternative program planning, action plan formulation, program implementation, evaluation, and termination. In accordance with the background of Dompet Dhuafa as an Islamic Philanthropy Institution. Therefore, in implementing its program Etos ID applies Islamic empowerment principles such as ukhuwah, ta'awun and equality of degrees. It can be seen from the implementation of the empowerment program and the application of Islamic empowerment principles Etos ID should be able to develop the scholarships that they provided to the ethos with different and fascinating program designs each year based on etoser’s requirements. Therefore, the etoser will be able to develop their potentials. To sum up, the program schedule by Etos ID is expected to build a better good time management for the etoser.

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