The Effect of Trust, Risks, and Convenience on use of E-Wallets on Shopeepay or Sharia LinkAja in Makassar City


Risk Convenience
LinkAja Syariah

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The Effect of Trust, Risks, and Convenience on use of E-Wallets on Shopeepay or Sharia LinkAja in Makassar City. (2024). International Collaboration Conference on Islamic Economics, 2(1).


Financial technology is a new development in transaction models, payments, money transfers, loans and investment opportunities. Many organizations are starting to realize how easy it is to use financial technology. One such group is E-Wallet (Digital Wallet), which is instant and adaptable and always evolving in terms of all the capabilities it offers. This research aims to analyze the influence of trust, risk and convenience on the decision to use sharia or conventional e-wallets in Makassar City. To conduct quantitative research using the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) SMARTPLS4 analysis methodology with a total of 384 respondents, the Morgan and Krejchie tables were the basis for the sampling technique. The research results show that the Trust variable (X1) where the Original sample value is 0.326 and the T-statistic value is 5.515>1.96 supports the acceptance of H1. Risk (X2): Therefore H2 is approved because the T-statistic value is 3.744>1.96, the value is 0.000<0.05, and the initial sample value is 0.186. Next is Ease (X3) where the original sample value is 0.330 and the value 0.000<0.05 indicates a hypothesis value or T-statistic of 5.980>1.96. Therefore, H3 is officially accepted.  The three variables have a positive and significant influence on the use of e-wallet in Makassar City.

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